Area code 714: How to get this code

The area code 714 is in California. The 714 area code was created in 1947 as part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANPA). The NANP provides telephone number service to much of North America.

What is area code 714

Area code 714 is an area code for California. It was created in 1947, when it was split from area code 213. In 1947, Orange County and Ventura County were added to the 714 area code. Riverside County followed in 1950 and San Bernardino County finally made it into the mix in 1954.

Where is the area code 714 located?

Area code 714 is located in the state of California. The 714 area code is also used in other cities in California, such as Anaheim, Irvine and Huntington Beach. The 714 area code covers these counties: Orange County (including Santa Ana) and Ventura County

Orange County California 714 Area Code

The 714 area code is the same as 949, which refers to the Orange County area code. This region is located in Southern California and has a population of over 3 million people. The 714 area code can be used for all calls within this region, including those made from landlines or mobile phones.

How to get this area code using IPPBX

IPPBX can provide area code 714 phone numbers in all parts of the state. If you want to get an area code 714 number, you can use our service and we will assign you a new phone number with this area code.


The 714 area code is located in California. This code covers Orange County and Ventura County. The 714 area code can also be used to dial out of state phone numbers, as long as they follow the proper format We hope that this article has helped you better understand Above information can also be found at All Area Code

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